In support of a safer South Africa and to help our health workers cope in the ongoing battle with COVID-19, we have taken it upon ourselves to vaccinate. Our team members are allowed to have the day/afternoon off to recover or relax after having their vaccines. We encourage them to take the time to get the jab. We are proud to have so many take up this call to #vaxandrelax and we encourage others to go and show your support in combating COVID.

For the safety of our team members, everyone working at Iridium’s office needs to be fully vaccinated by 31 December 2021.
We also have a COVID-19 Policy with steps to take in the event of a case of contact in office. This is available to all our team members.
Any situation that is not covered by our mandatory vaccination policy, will be addressed as our directors see fit.
Where a team member does not get vaccinated, the following will apply:
- The team member needs to inform the People Success Manager with the reason for not getting the vaccination.
- Where applicable in terms of the job description, the team member would need to Work From Home (WFH)/remotely.
- For the safety of both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated team member, unvaccinated team members will not be permitted to work from the office or attend any company functions or events.

As a proudly South African company we have heeded the call to action to #vaxandrelax for December. In encouraging this, we have decided to share our mandatory policy to inspire others to join us in becoming protected.