At Iridium, people count. We’re a small team and every member is valuable and is a vital building block in our culture. We pay attention to how we hire, who we hire, how we onboard, and how we build our culture. We do it intentionally, it’s not by chance.
The days of being in a job until retirement is a thing of the past. These days people (aged 24-35) change jobs every 24 months as they move in a cycle of promotion, and change careers three times in their life. Finding and grooming the right people to build the best team is important. Job-matching is critical for both us and our team members.
According to Iridium client and assessment solutions expert, Encapsulate Consulting, psychometric tests can help organisations choose the best candidates for any job, and help individuals find jobs that allow them to make the most of their unique strengths and abilities.

“Testing can help a job-seeker find the job they love and avoid one that will make them miserable. Psychometric testing analyses abilities and personality in precise ways – ways that relate to the demands of a specific job. It also provides employers with valuable information about what a team member needs to perform at their best, and what opportunities, skills or training may be needed to develop and advance the person in the position,” she added.

Psychometric test results provide individuals with an understanding of their strongest skills, as well as identifying areas they might build on with practice and experience. Tests of motives, values, and personality can help bring to light the types of work situations where they will thrive, what is most valued in the workplace and if the job fits their personality.
The cost of a bad hire outweighs the cost of a holistic psychometric and competency-based assessment.
Underperforming or mismatched people can easily hide in larger corporates, but the impact of bad hires is almost exponential in SME’s.
Good hiring leads to cultural wellness where new team member’s fit in and a good cultural fit is good for business.
At Iridium, we want innovators, go-getters, managers of one and driven people and we focus on this in every hire. We are a growing team of self-starters and we need to work as a team and as individuals.